Reading/Answering Questions Live Today

Today at 1:00 PM Pacific Time, at THIS LINK, I’ll be one of three authors in the NovoPulp Volume III Launch Party Google Hangout.

I’ll read some pages from my SF story about the same topic that’s in my Psychological Suspense series, The Agents of the Nevermind — social engineering by Intelligence agents.

If you’re interested, you can watch and ask questions of any of us.

Psychological Suspense Thriller Novella

glossalalia coverGlossolalia: a Psychological Suspense Thriller is a novella with a kick-ass female protagonist named Nancy.

What do you do when the proper authority to report a crime to — is the criminal?

Nancy just wants to keep the only job she can get. No one else would put up with her fugues. Who else but her uncle would hire her? So she works at his poison company even though it goes against her beliefs.

Hell, everything she puts in her mouth goes against her beliefs. But she stays in shape because she’s a wild kicker; her idea of fun is competing in Karate tournaments. Besides, defending herself could be necessary. She apparently gets into quite the scrapes in unknown territories.

Accompanied by Dog, and visions of Bennu, the traditional Egyptian flamingo god who is the shadow self of Osiris, she plays out her roles in the deadly game.

She watches what she suspects is a crime in progress at the company, and a death defying chase ensues. Can she stay alive long enough to find out what happened and save the lives of countless people, animals, and plants?

Only if she can discover who she is in time.

New Science Fiction story in magazine

“Remember when the death of award-winning journalist, Claire Daleen was in the news a couple years ago? She was found decapitated, with her ears cut off. And then – nothing. There was case that just got started two years ago but was thrown out of court. There were lots of deaths at that time, but only a few rumors online about how they were all related to the court case. Then, the journalists who put those pieces up died too, and all references were scrubbed from the net.

I couldn’t let it go.

I had a suspicion.”

For now, the link is Bareknuckle Poets.

The title is Place Theory, which is based on science.

Missing Persons File 6899 Documents

Missing Persons File 6899 Documents is my crime story at J.J. Outre Review, a publication which will also be available as an ebook and in print soon.

Report filed June 9. First, we must look very closely at the evidence. During our investigation of Mr. Noteworthy’s room, the subject’s housemate, we found several pornographic magazines. His bedroom door had a padlock on it, which is not the case for any of the other housemates in this forested rural area, though few of the homes are shared other than by families, so the statistics are not highly significant without a wider study outside our district.

We happened to notice a photo of the missing person in question in one of them, a magazine called Skin. Most likely, this occurred because it was a hot day and we turned on the fan, which riffled the pages. We felt it our duty to peruse the other magazines. The missing Elenore Underberg, AKA “Ms. Anteat,” AKA “Ms. AunTeat,” is featured it turns out, in every one of them, all under different names, with completely different “facts” in her — biographical statements, as it were.

Book/Movie about real crime by the CIA

The book, Kill the Messenger, was put out by Nick Shou in 2004. It goes into great detail about brave reporter Gary Webb’s discovery of the shadowy relationship between the CIA, cocaine smuggling, and arms. The African American population in California cities was especially incensed to read Webb’s reports in 1996, as they felt they had found who to blame for their devastating addiction to crack in their communities. The revelations were not so easily accepted by the many privileged people ensconced in the comfortable illusions of living in a country with a just government. The beleaguered Webb went on to write a book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion, published in 1998.

Author Nick Shou was also a reporter, who delved into similar material which he shelved out of understandable fear of ending up equally maligned. He got to know Webb personally, being convinced of truth within his San Jose Mercury’s  “Dark Alliance” series which alleged CIA/cocaine traffic connections, winning Webb an award but loosing him his livelihood, family, and life. Webb apparently committed suicide.

The Oct. 2014 Kill the Messenger movie, directed by Michael Cuesta and starring Jeremy Renner takes its cues from those books. The movie is deeply moving, powerful, and inspiring. It deserves a lot of attention, and greater attendance. We see what looks like vintage scenes, and endearing scenes of family life. The audience in the theater cheered, called out enthusiastically throughout the movie, and clapped at the end. I cried many times. I sincerely hope it wins an award.

Considering the Hollywood avoidance of making movies that undercut social engineering, how often do we get to see true stories about the brave people in our culture? This refreshing film is about that type of control.

Ronald Reagan’s regime used the guerrilla Contras, trained by the CIA, to undermine Nicaragua’s elected Sandinistas. Oliver North’s Iran-Contra illegal sale of guns to Iran was one method of funding the coup.  Of course, those of us who were alive and aware at the time Webb’s articles came out already knew the CIA/Contras were funding the sinister attacks against innocent people by drug smuggling; that’s why there were protests on campuses around the United States. The Associated Press was talking about it in 1985. It could have been worse: activists were generally able to continue living their lives — but many were harassed and marginalized as part of social engineering.

News media hid the results of Senator John Kerry’s 1989 report on not only drug smuggling in Nicaragua, but many other countries: Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy. The whole thing was swept under the rug as much as possible in order to manipulate public opinion. But for those who listened and did what they could to make a difference, our role models were the reporters brave enough to show the facts to the country, even though many were not willing to listen. Our culture conditions people not to listen to facts.

When he came on the scene in 1996, Webb was our new hero. What can be more admirable? The reaction of Operation Mockingbird (CIA controlled) press, especially The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post, was not to bring that truth to the populace but instead, to smear Webb personally and to try to discredit his information. “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” – William Colby, former CIA Director

This was a perfect example of social engineering, influencing people to follow the lead of mainstream media in how they perceive people who question the dominant illusions.

In spite of tireless, determined educational effort by our living heroes such as Cynthia McKinney, we still see coup after coup using CIA trained insurgents to go after countries with oil, or countries which are going off the US dollar standard, etc.

The Mockingbird press uses ever more effective ploys to convince their true believers that the countries the government wants to subvert are our enemies. The preach that certain countries’ elected leaders are bad, are in need of an ass-kicking to keep them in line. Most people have the built-in psychological propensity to believe what authorities tell them such as that, especially when it’s done using human interest stories, whether they are accurate or not, scare tactics, and diversion.

As mentioned at the end of the Kill the Messenger movie, people didn’t pay much attention when the news came out about the drug smuggling being real, because they were interested instead in Monica Lewinsky.

The Mercury News series focused on Nicaraguan Danilo Blandón cocaine dealer, L.A.’s crack dealer, Ricky Ross, and the supplier Meneses, and their relation to the Bay Area’s drug ring that in turn sold to L.A.’s Crips and Bloods, to fuel the Contras — “Freedom Fighters.” This ruined lives, leading to crack babies, a growing prison population, hundreds of thousands of deaths throughout Central America. This hoodwinked of the US population, which sometimes required silencing of activists.

Nicaragua’s ex-Foreign Minister, Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, explains about Regan’s social engineering in causing the deaths of 50,000 Nicaraguans: “He came to the Presidency of the United States shortly after Samosa, a Dictator that the U.S. has imposed over Nicaragua for practically half a century; had been deposed by Nicaraguan Nationalists under the leadership of the Sandinista Liberation Front. To Reagan Nicaragua had to be re-conquered. He blamed Carter for having lost Nicaragua, as if Nicaragua ever belonged to anyone else other than the Nicaraguan people. That was then the beginning of this war that Reagan invented, and mounted and financed and directed, the Contra War. About which he continually lied to the People. Helping the United States people to be the most ignorant people around the world. I said ignorant, I don’t say not intelligent. But the most ignorant people around the world about what the United States does abroad. People don’t even begin to see — if they did, they would rebel. And so, he lied to the people, as Bush lies to the people today and as they push on, thinking that the United States is above every law, human or divine.”

This is not to imply that everyone in the CIA is involved in this kind of thing. These are individuals involved in the arms/drug trade. There is a wide variety of people within such Agencies, worthy of respect. There are beautiful parts of Webb’s life, and many other activists, and people who question. Many of us have not been persecuted for our beliefs or actions, and have kept careers and education, relationships, and health. Seeing people create intelligent entertainment addressing these topics is encouraging.

The movie is honestly believable, rather than the common style of characters coming in to quickly say their lines to move the story along for a minute, then off to the next bit of information. This is flowing, realistic, not idealized or sensationalized. It doesn’t go for the addictive violence and fear so much as taking us vicariously through a life authentically. Much appreciated to experience that kind of deep compassion thanks to the actors, lighting, the writing. Bravo!

The REAL crime fiction

For the sake of being commercially viable and safe, much crime fiction ignores truths that are controversial, dangerous, pandering instead to a brainwashed populace. Major publishers understandably have to consider what kinds of friends and enemies in high places their book’s messages make them. But some authors do take that chance of rocking the boat, and I’d like to see more people take risks to produce authentic, culturally meaningful Thriller/Suspense/Mystery unafraid of referencing the fictionalized news in our Cover-up Culture. I, myself, like to write crime fiction that brings attention to people destroyed by, or fighting, the system brutalizes innocent people by distorting reality.

Should we ignore the real crimes against the human psyche by corrupt law professionals, the creation of patsies, COINTELPRO style undermining of the lives of activists, manipulation of citizens through disinformation in the news and CounterIntelligence-created cults? Should we turn a blind eye to the military taking over countries for a sneaky agenda, the ruthlessness of hidden interconnectedness including pest control/waste management – food/poison manufacture — evangelists/government — Theosophy/UN — and so on?

I find crime fiction that props up the corrupt paradigm to be boring, predictable, and old hat. I get excited when I read, or watch movies, that rebel against fakery. Most popular authors seem to present the police or Intelligence agents as being always the good guys, or they single out rogue members of a supposedly great agency. However, many readers are hungry for smart revelations and useful information; when narratives get them to think, and point them cautiously in the direction of true societal crime on a large scale, it’s a service instead of distracting entertainment that reinforces demeaning propaganda.

I prefer to write about crimes which are not simply personal but which are common social problems, such as the FBI creating terrorists by suggesting and funding people otherwise not inclined or capable of committing major crimes.

US: Terrorism Prosecutions Often An Illusion Human Rights Watch reports: “Multiple studies have found that nearly 50 percent of the federal counterterrorism convictions since September 11, 2001, resulted from informant-based cases. Almost 30 percent were sting operations in which the informant played an active role in the underlying plot.”

Substantial numbers of newscasters are paid by the CIA or bribed and backmailed to create the fiction warmongers want people to believe, such as Udo Ulfkotte bravely admits. I like fiction that doesn’t shy away from revealing the lies beneath the brainwashing of our society.

I suspect the majority of Literary readers/writers are not particularly passionate or educated about true crime topics. They would be required to question what authorities paid by CounterIntelligence present the masses for the purpose of creating divisiveness. They have other things on their minds, and that’s fine. But that’s one reason I love Genre, which has the potential to reach more readers with hard-hitting message. It’s often written by insiders, and people with extensive experience outside academia, who don’t need to avoid upsetting university superiors.

Authors who take the time to pull away layers of the deceits created by governments don’t find the same fan-base for those controversial topics in Literary Fiction as they do in Genre. There are few Literary magazines to even submit such stories to for consideration. But Political Thrillers and SF readers are more amenable to authors who take an interest in solid facts and world issues. The readers tend to be more action-based, interested in what corporations do, political intrigue, conspiracies, the direction advanced technology is taking our society, murder and mayhem, legalities, mysteries, danger. SF has the option of writing about topics that might otherwise cause the authors problems by using the future and alternate worlds as metaphors to address sensitive issues.

The real crime fiction is that created by bankers, governments, the military, and corporations, using “news” to create a false sense of reality that the majority of people are hoodwinked by. When fiction writers echo that illusion, they are — willing, or unwilling — co-conspirators in dumbing down our culture. When authors are brave enough to look beyond the naivite of the two party system, and write about what’s behind the machinations of the propaganda machine — hats off!

Some brave Thrillers:

The Deal (movie)

Lexicon by Max Barry

Dime Bomb by J. Arthur

Dark Alliance by Gary Web — movie Kill the Messenger

Some insightful SF:

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

The Culture by Iain M. Banks

Iron Heel by Jack London

Neuromancer by William Gibson

Minority Report by Philip K. Dick

Mind Control busting YA:

Control Group by Patrick Jones

Candor by Pam Bachorz

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Crime Fiction

The mystery of the shining children by Cale Carlson

Morning, Come Quickly by Wanda Karriker

List of fiction about ritual abuse

YA fiction about mind control