Deep discount for former students and editing clients on my Interstitial Fiction Genres: New Wave Fabulism, Magical Realism, Slipstream, Surrealism, and Weird class though Thanksgiving


To say thanks to all my students I’ve ever had, anyone who has studied with me or been an editing client can take the class, Interstitial Fiction Genres: New Wave Fabulism, Magical Realism, Slipstream, Surrealism, and Weird for a discount, if you sign up or make a pledge to sign up, through Thanksgiving midnight.

Just send me a message reminding me what work we did, and I’ll send you the coupon code so the class is only 30 dollars.

The structure of presentation makes it easy to compare, contrast and find overlaps. Over 200 pages of Standard Manuscript Format contain text and lists, with a substantial number of links to take you further into exploration. In addition, you watch 6 hours of me speaking to you about the genres, including personal insights, reading paragraphs to you from key anthologies, drawing diagrams, so you can interact with Interstitial Fiction confidently. 50 question quiz at the end.

Projection Theater

Hannah and her friend Lewis crept toward the abandoned university theater through the tall grasses that slid against their skin, knocking spores into the air that stank of reproduction. They rose up to look for faux dangers, and bent back down, grinning in anticipation of the wondrous auditorium they’d heard about from the art school where they taught. They’d never talked about the place to anyone who had gone there, but had over-heard collages of conversation in the hallways. Hannah and Lewis thought they’d seen a photo of it on a bulletin board at the school, a clipping from the college paper, but could never agree on what it looked like. They wanted to paint it to enter a contest that would take one of the multitude of people who entered far away from that place to a new life. Or, at least Hannah really wanted to win it. Lewis was more interested in having a fun day with Hannah than winning the contest that would take the winner across the world from Knoxville, Tennessee to a career in London.

Weird SFF story, Projection Theater, at Lorelei Signal.

Ocularity at The Strange and the Curious

Black obsidian looked back at Jason: a few feet from his face, the giant statue of his own eye hovered heavily above the canyon. The pedestal of the shining Ocularity jutted out at the tip of the narrow path of land jutting out over Colorado River’s millions of years. Around him, the red rock of Glen Canyon exuded sensation.  Roiling storm clouds led the indefinite grey horizon on a charge against the twilit cobalt sky.

My Weird SFF story Ocularity. Launched!

Cease, Cows

Our founding editor has created Lit Demon, a writers’ resource and educational hub. It’s pretty sweet. Check it out:

Ever been in a writing workshop? It’ll be like that, except not in meatspace. No smelling other people’s farts. No dealing with other people having a heart attack right in the middle of the floor when it’s time to talk about your piece. None of that.

Never been in a writing workshop? Well, mostly people fart and have heart attacks.

What we’re trying to say is that if you don’t take one of our classes, you’ll be missing out. Big time. It could change your evening. Or your life? Technically, what with causal avalanches and the Butterfly Effect, it’s pretty much 100% guaranteed to change your life.

Our first workshop is May 10th with Tantra Bensko. Check the deets out below. She’ll be teaching writers how to be fabulous…

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