
This is a very old site I haven’t tended to to for several years. I just use it to comment on WordPress articles and such.


This blog is also an introduction to my relatively straightforward, traditional Popular-Genre Fiction short story publications. While some are solidly Speculative (SF/F and Horror), some of the stories I post about veering slightly outside the narrows. To me, Speculative Fiction’s most interesting cutting edge work explores beyond the edges and formulas and can also be labeled Slipstream, New Wave Fabulism, Neo-Noir, Weird, or other styles that fall in between Genre and Literary. I organize lots of my stories published online in that fall into those Fabulist styles at Interstitial Fiction Genres.)

I also occasionally use this site to post thoughts and information relevant to readers, writers of Genre narrative, including subjects such as getting your work published. I also delve a bit into  advanced technology for SF readers and writers, and address the relation of the somatics of writing. I blog a little about real-world topics related to my fiction and how they relate to Genre traditions. Tags like Advanced Technology, Social Engineering, etc. include information posts and stories addressing those issues.

The header art is a detail of one of my pieces published at Spartan Dog issue 7.

If you want to know when my books are available, sign up HERE.

Here is another author site, which focuses on Literary and Avant-garde fiction, so I’m saving this blog for the fun stuff — Genre. A couple hundred flash, short story and novelette publications appear in journals and anthologies, as well as nearly a hundred poems. Find my Speculative stories in print in books such as Triangulation: Parch anthology, Cellar Door III/Hell II anthology, No Sight for the Saved anthology, Women Writing the Weird anthologies1 and 11, and Redacted Story anthology.

I’m the author of several books including the Slipstream novella, Equinox Mirror (ELJ), Lucid Membrane (Night Publishing), The Cabinet of What You Don’t See (ISMs Press), Watching the Windows Sleep (Naissance Press), Collapsible Horizon (LucidPlay), Swinging on the Edge of Day (Naissance Press), and Liminal (10 Pages Press).

I teach fiction writing at UCLA X Writing Program, Writers.com, Writers College, and my own academy online. I have an MA from FSU, and MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop, and used to teach at those schools as well as at Memphis State. I also edit manuscripts. So, if you resonate with my style, contact me if you’re interested in working together to make your writing the best it can be.

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