Advanced Technology good for knowing about our world, and writing SF

Amazing, yes? I used these topics in my SF novel manuscript, Unside: A Book of Closed Time-like Curves. If these things interest you, sign up for the email list so you’ll know when it’s available.
How do you feel about these advancements?What do you think DARPA is not sharing with us?

Advanced technology that’s freaky-real — and good inspiration for Science Fiction writers

Here are some links to current and officially proposed below that you might find useful for your writing, and understanding our world. To me, it’s Dystopian. Some will see it as Utopian.

My novel manuscript, Unside: A Book of Closed Time-like Curves, arose from years of intensive research and staying up to date on proposed DARPA technology, etc., and watching how it’s used in manipulating our society. The links I’ll be sharing here cover topics featured in my novel. If you like these kinds of topics in your fiction, subscribe to the mailing list, and in the meantime, marvel, shiver, and write.