Spiral structure in Unside: A Book of Closed Time-Like Curves

Though my novel, Unside, is Science Fiction, it has some Literary elements, such as innovative structure, which I feel should still leave it accessible for genre readers. What this means is that the Plot Reversals are are so sharp, they turn in on themselves.

A Plot Reversal is a core element of plot which keeps any successful book from proceeding linearly and being boring. The protagonist’s encounter with the antagonist shows him some new insight and he reassesses and veers off in a different direction.

In Unside, these reassessments are drastic because of the nature of the illusions and deceptions the protagonist is under, as he learns things are not at all what they seem. I chose this structure partly to mimic the intensity I experience, and others like me, when we look deeply into the reality of our society. It becomes full of thrills and chills, more and more euphoric, perhaps grimly euphoric.

CounterIntelligence’s job is to fool the public, and this does not just apply to foreign countries but domestic citizens as well. For example, to protect the secrecy of military advanced technology, they created the hoax that aliens were interacting with us, to throw people off the scent in other countries, but of course, we had to believe it here too. Unside obliquely references this history at some point in the novel. As people who believed in such hoaxes try to look into them, they find layers and layers of deceit by Counter Intelligence agents who pretend to be involved. This particular hoax began in the 1940s and and is well documented.

Kenneth Arnold was a CIA disinfo agent and invented his story about a UFO for them; similarly, the Maury Island story from 1946 was is disinformation; Fred Crisman was a CIA disinformationist. The CIA promoting the lie of alien vehicles in 1952 in the mainstream press using assets like Henry Luce and Roswell was perhaps the most famous cover-story to make people look away from the reality toward the hoax that aliens had landed.

While many sitings remain mysterious and unidentified and strange things do occur, in general, UFOs have been shown to be military, based on Paperclip technology, and various countries’ Intelligence agencies fabricate hoaxes to cover up their military secrets, which only makes sense for them to do strategically. It does mess with people’s heads, though.

CounterIntelligence agents took on different roles to look like they were hiding it, were contactees, were disagreeing with other contactees over which aliens were good and which bad, etc. to make a maze for people trying to get at the truth. So, in situations like this, people who penetrate those illusions find themselves aghast which each new layer they uncover, being fooled with each layer until finally seeing past them all.

The experience of reading this novel should mimic that, as the reader realizes more deeply how the characters are being tricked. As the story progresses, it becomes more obviously Science Fiction the more the layers are revealed. That sense of realizing the deceits in our culture is tingling, scintillating, a rush, and I wanted to create that sensation in the reader with each new turn that spins the narrative around to took at itself from a completely different angle, on a deeper level.

I also chose the spiral structure to mimic the closed time-like curves, and the Lens-Thirring Effect that creates Frame Dragging. Various scientists and pseudo-scientists have proposed the energy from that — the friction created by the spinning of a body such as the Earth — can be milked as a power source, and that possibility is considered in this novel. It is not only considered in the macro sense, but also in the micro sense, in a whimsical way, and also in a sinister sense that involves the reader himself, his own experience of the spiral structure’s mind-blowing Plot Reversals being a kind of Lens-Thirring Effect in itself.

The Table of Contents reflects this spiral effect, not in its shape on the page, but numerically. As the characters begin again and encounter the realm of The Fool, it begins again, at 0. By the end, it has broken down into fractions, imaginary numbers, etc. This is the main cerebral, playful Experimental element of the novel, something to entertain my Innovative Literary Fiction audience.

In another sense, the plot is traditional, just very dramatic, as the tension arcs over the course of its 80,000 pages. I have studied and taught and edited traditional structure and know it very well. I like to venture beyond predictable formula at times, however, if there is a good reason for it, and I encourage other authors to do so too when it’s feasible and entertaining.

Science Fiction novel to be published by Driven Press in 2015

Unside: A Book of Closed Time-Like Curves will be put out in print and e-book by Driven Press. Have you ever thought you knew something, looked closer, and found out you were wrong, that something deeper was going on? And then looked closer and found out that was an illusion too, and each time you learned more, found out there were more layers of deceit? Most likely you have, if you spend any time researching the news, history, and our culture which has been molded by CounterIntelligence into what they want us to think it is.

The spiral structure of this full-length SF novel creates that same chilling sensation of getting closer and closer to the intensity of the truth. While Unside is all made up, and happens in the very near future, it sheds light on real contemporary events. So this book is like your friend, who understands what it’s like to live in this society as an aware individual searching for what’s really going on.

And it’s an entertaining friend, who likes to relax with you in a comfy chair and eat ginger truffles. There are jaunty dancing skeletons, an eccentric Japanese American protagonist who likes to conduct auras, a friendly store owner selling fascinating skeletal decorations, and a seeing-eye dog named after the remote viewer, Ingo Swann.

Sign up to know when it’s coming out if that sounds good to you, and stay tuned for more about it and the advanced technology proposals by DARPA it’s based on.

Advanced Technology good for knowing about our world, and writing SF

Amazing, yes? I used these topics in my SF novel manuscript, Unside: A Book of Closed Time-like Curves. If these things interest you, sign up for the email list so you’ll know when it’s available.
How do you feel about these advancements?What do you think DARPA is not sharing with us?

Advanced technology that’s freaky-real — and good inspiration for Science Fiction writers

Here are some links to current and officially proposed below that you might find useful for your writing, and understanding our world. To me, it’s Dystopian. Some will see it as Utopian.

My novel manuscript, Unside: A Book of Closed Time-like Curves, arose from years of intensive research and staying up to date on proposed DARPA technology, etc., and watching how it’s used in manipulating our society. The links I’ll be sharing here cover topics featured in my novel. If you like these kinds of topics in your fiction, subscribe to the mailing list, and in the meantime, marvel, shiver, and write.

Speculative Stories

If you’d like to read any of my relatively straightforward SF, Paranormal Fantasy, and Horror stories, many of these below are free to read at online magazines, and others are in anthologies for purchase at these links.

Partly because I like to think outside convention, I’m a lover of Weird Fiction, which originated before genre rules set in. I’ve picked my most traditional Speculative fiction for this post, but still, some of the stories below are on a bit the edge of their genres, and could be labeled Weird as well as the designations I have given them. I have a couple hundred stories published in magazines and anthologies, and a lot are in Interstitial styles, between Speculative and Literary, with elements of both, such as Slipstream, Magical Realism, Surrealism, New Wave Fabulism, and Weird: I link to over 80 of the Interstitial ones HERE. Looking through them might be useful for people wanting to understand those genres better, to get a sense of what they’re like.

I only write to be read, never just for my own enjoyment. A story isn’t a thing until it’s completed by the readers. I always feel gratitude for my narratives’ completion in readers’ brains’.

Ocularity SF

The Coveted General Anzel Smile SF

Origami Mafia Story Unfolds SF

Breaking the Seal SF

Printed People Eaters SF

Eye Poison Horror

Mask of Sleep Horror

Two-Faced Horror

To Explain the Sasquatch Sitter Paranormal

Mirror Tattoo Paranormal

Projection Theater Paranormal

Breaking the Seal

#Report Readout att: Subjects Discovering Project
Underground:Implantation Adjustment
As recorded from the brain of Kundra, Atlanta, Georgia, Earth, Hybrid Helicopter zone 13.#

The thundering sound is happening again under me, down deep in the earth, and it makes me want to save the world. I want to tell people about it before it’s too late— if I can avoid repercussions. The housemate who always has nightmares when they are blasting down there is yelling himself out of his sleep in another room.

My SF story, Breaking the Seal, at Gone Lawn.

The Coveted General Anzel Smile

Whenever I see lunar rays coming into my room on new moons, when I hear the catbird bark, and I feel my internal organs curling, jumbling up like chitlins and sweetmeats on a tray handed a dying man in the desert, weakening in the sun before he can reach up to take them, I suspect they are coming for me again, like they did, starting years ago, when I was transferred to command at the new Army base. Little did I know I’d be waking with scrapes on my arms, grass scattered around my pillow, spend my hours trying to understand my secret life. It wasn’t my idea. It was theirs. Whoever they are.

SF story, The Coveted General Anzel Smile, at The Strange and the Curious.